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Posts Tagged / Microsoft

  • May 08 / 2023
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Azure, EUC, Horizon, Next-Gen, VMware

VMware Horizon Cloud Next-Gen – Images

My previous blog explained the VMware Horizon Cloud Next-Gen – deployment. In this blog, I will explain which steps you need to take to Add an Image and Publish the image.

Images allows us to provide desktops and publish application to end-users in Azure. You can add images from the Azure Marketplace, Microsoft Azure Compute Gallery, or create your own Custom VM in Microsoft Azure. In this blog I will use the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.

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  • Mar 24 / 2023
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Azure, EUC, Horizon, Next-Gen, VMware

VMware Horizon Cloud Next-Gen – Deployment

My previous blog explained the VMware Horizon Cloud Next-Gen – Prerequisites. In this blog, I will explain which steps you need to take to start the Horizon Cloud deployment.

Getting started

First, we will need to log in to the Horizon Universal Console. Once logged in you will see the Get Started page. Select Horizon Cloud Service.

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  • Mar 13 / 2023
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Azure, EUC, Horizon, Next-Gen, VMware

VMware Horizon Cloud Next-Gen – Prerequisites

This blog post is part of a series of posts I will be creating regarding the Horizon Cloud Next-Gen deployment. In this post, I will explain the prerequisites for Horizon Cloud deployment. Coming posts in the series will have topics like image deployment, Pool creation, App Deployment, Dynamic Environment Manager integration, and maybe more.


If you are new to Horizon Cloud on Azure and want to deploy a greenfield environment you will need to configure several items on Microsoft Azure before you can deploy Horizon Cloud. In this blog post, I will explain how to configure these prerequisites in Microsoft Azure but also some other prerequisites for the Horizon Cloud deployment.

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  • Jan 14 / 2020
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CIS, Microsoft, Performance Testing, Uncategorized

Impact of CIS Benchmarks on performance

During a VMWare Horizon Cloud project, the customer had the following wishes. The workspace needed fast and secure. Security is almost always at the expense of performance.

Because the customer wanted us to align with the CIS Level 1 benchmark for the Windows OS. We wanted to see what kind of impact the CIS benchmark had on the performance. In order to make de impact visible, we did a performance test with Login VSI.

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  • Dec 10 / 2015
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5.0, App-V, Microsoft

App-V 5.0 registry import not working using dynamic config

A few weeks ago I called my colleague Ryan Bijkerk of www.logitblog.com with the question can VDI tuning break App-V? This inspired him to write a nice article on how performance optimization van break App-V which can be found here.

Within our company we are using VDI for desktops and App-V 5.0 for application virtualization.  Also we did some performance tuning on the VDI’s. Everything was working fine until we we got an App-V application with a registry import via the DynamicConfiguration.xml. First I thought this was an issue with one of the settings we did with the performance tuning maybe we disabled a services that was needed. This was the reason for my call with Ryan.

So I started my troubleshooting by enabling the disabled services without any luck. The registry import was still not working. So I started Googling and I came a cross the following site http://www.app-v.info which let me to the Blog of Trentent. His blog provide the solution by setting the following value:

Registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\AppV\Subsystem key:
Value: NoBackgroundRegistryStaging
Data Type: DWORD
Data: 0

You can read the full article here about the the registry value.

  • Dec 05 / 2012
  • 3
Citrix, Uncategorized, XenApp 6.0, XenApp 6.5

Prevent users saving items on the Citrix/Terminal Server desktop.

In my current environment we allow users to save items on their desktop. Because we are using mandatory profiles we save the settings using Flex profiles from Immidio.

Lately some users are complaining that the logon times are increasing. After some investigation we came to the conclusion that the users are saving a lot of files to their Citrix/Terminal server desktop. The flex file would be around the 8 GB. My manager asked me to come up with a solution so that the users aren’t able to save files to their desktop but allow them to save shortcuts. Continue Reading