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Posts Categorized / App-V

  • Mar 31 / 2016
  • 0
App-V, Microsoft, UEM, VMware

Slow application start times VMware UEM and App-V

When users need to wait for 60 seconds until they can interact with the application the user experience is impacted. We encountered this behaviour at a costumer and needed to troubleshoot this.

To read more on how I found the problem by excluding antivirus and group policy settings see my guest blog post at Logit Blog


  • Dec 10 / 2015
  • 0
5.0, App-V, Microsoft

App-V 5.0 registry import not working using dynamic config

A few weeks ago I called my colleague Ryan Bijkerk of www.logitblog.com with the question can VDI tuning break App-V? This inspired him to write a nice article on how performance optimization van break App-V which can be found here.

Within our company we are using VDI for desktops and App-V 5.0 for application virtualization.  Also we did some performance tuning on the VDI’s. Everything was working fine until we we got an App-V application with a registry import via the DynamicConfiguration.xml. First I thought this was an issue with one of the settings we did with the performance tuning maybe we disabled a services that was needed. This was the reason for my call with Ryan.

So I started my troubleshooting by enabling the disabled services without any luck. The registry import was still not working. So I started Googling and I came a cross the following site http://www.app-v.info which let me to the Blog of Trentent. His blog provide the solution by setting the following value:

Registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\AppV\Subsystem key:
Value: NoBackgroundRegistryStaging
Data Type: DWORD
Data: 0

You can read the full article here about the the registry value.