At a customer I was busy checking the servers via the Citrix Management Console wich load evaluator was set. Because the environment contains a lot of servers it is a time consuming job. Therefor I created 2 small scripts.
The first script will do the following.
- Add citrix powershell Snapin
- Get a list of XenApp servers in the farm
- Check for each server wich load evaluator is assigned
- Write the result to a CSV fileThe second script will do the following.
The second script will do this.
- Read content from CSV file created by the first script
- Sort the content
- Export to HTML file with a style sheet
- highlight all server with the load evaluator set on Maintenance
Because I am fairly new at scripting I got some help from Ryan Bijkerk who is known of
Here the samples of both scripts
Check Load Evaluators:
Remove-PSSnapin Citrix* add-pssnapin citrix* $Servers = get-xaserver $date = (Get-date).ToString('ddMMyyyy') $filepath = "<Path LogDir>" $i = 0 Add-Content "$filepath\$date-LoadEvalReport.csv" "Servername,LoadEvaluator" Do { $Server = $Servers[$i] ; $i++ $Temp = get-XALoadEvaluator -ServerName $server | Select-object LoadEvaluatorName $Result = $Temp.LoadEvaluatorName Add-Content "$filepath\$date-LoadEvalReport.csv" "$Server,$Result" }While ($i -le $Servers.count -1)
Covert CSV to HTML file:
#Variables $date = (Get-date).ToString('ddMMyyyy') $CSV_filepath = "<Path to logfile>\$date-LoadEvalReport.csv" $HTML_output = "<Path to logfile>\LoadEvalReport.html" #Style $style = "<style type='text/css'> tr {width: 200px; text-align: left; font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px;} tr.warning {Background-Color: red;} tr.error {Background-Color: yellow;} </style>" import-csv $CSV_filepath | sort-object LoadEvaluator -descending | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $style | Out-file $HTML_output (gc $HTML_output) | foreach-object {if ( $_ -match "Maintenance") {$_.replace("<tr>","<tr class=warning>")} ELSE {$_.replace("<tr>","<tr>")}} | set-content $HTML_output
Hope this is handy for some of you guys (or girls ;-)) out there.
One Comment
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Thanks alot for this information. Have been trying for about 2 hours now to get information about load evaluator on XenApp servers 🙂